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                                           Cast your mind back to advent 2019.
                                           You’re gathered around the Christmas tree with your family, looking
                                           forward to midnight. Tomorrow the whole family will head to granny and
          JARO 1 / 2021                    grandad’s for her acclaimed roast sirloin which will see granny dig out
          CENA 99 KČ / 4,80 €
                                           her big pot. When you wake up the day after tomorrow you’ll set off to
                                           äSLQGOHUĪY 0OìQ IRU VNLLQJ ZKLOH \RXU EURWKHU WUHNV WR WKH $OSV  %XW WKHQ
                                           a fortune teller comes on the telly and starts telling you that three months
                       Jak se ctí ekonomicky přežít pandemii  from now, the kids will stop going to school and will barely return till the
                            a jak koronakrizi změnit
                                           year’s out. You’ll all have to walk around wearing masks, all but the
                                 v příležitost
                                           essential shops, pharmacies and stories selling healthcare products will
                                           close, you won’t be able to visit grannies and granddads in hospitals and
                                           care homes for six months, plus there’ll be no theatre, cinema, football or
                                           hockey games, and there’ll be no work Christmas parties, concerts, not
                                           even midnight mass. There’ll be no family visits, trips to the mountains, or
                                           WUDYHOOLQJ ZKDWVRHYHU  WKRXJK WKH PDVNV ZLOO EH D VWDEOH À[WXUH
                                           $ QLJKWWLPH FXUIHZ DZDLWV XQOHVV \RX·UH QRW RXW ZDONLQJ \RXU GRJ
                                           You’d soon switch such crazy notions off your screen and perhaps even
                                           write a complaint to the TV station querying their rationale for showing
          Leoš Bárta  ·  Ondřej Beránek  ·  Radek a Filip Bodlákovi  ·  Thomas Brandl  ·  Vladimír Buťa  ·  Jan Čada  ·  Branko Černý  ·  Béatrice da Ros  ·  Damir Duraković  such utter gibberish!
           David Falchek  ·  Martin Fousek  ·  Eva Gargelová  ·  Silvia Heinrich  ·  Renata Hlavačková  ·  Ladislav Horčička  ·  Jan Horešovský  ·  Lucie Hotařová  ·  IWSC
          Daniel Kříž  ·  Alois Lageder  ·  Gorjan Lazarov  ·  Jaroslav Machovec  ·  Aaron Mandel  ·  Pavel Maurer  ·  Maddee McDowell  ·  Miroslav Michalko  ·  Adam
                                           Yet now this is reality.
          S.  Montefi ore  ·  Annemarie Morse  ·  Martin Novotný  ·  OIV  ·  Michal Oškera  ·  Lemka Otáhalová  ·  Kateřina Ovesná  ·  Lukáš  Pololáník  ·  Jakub Přibyl
          Jakub Rejzek  ·  Radovan Růžička  ·  Dario Sattui  ·  Martina  Schützová  ·  Lenka Sládková  ·  Radek Šlancar  ·  Soňa Španielová  ·  Tomáš Šrom  ·  Tomáš Šula
                                           $QG DV WLPH JRHV E\  LW ORRNV OLNH WKH SUREOHP ZRQ·W EH JRLQJ DZD\ DQ\
                                           time soon; not next month, this year, or even this time next year. ProWein
                                           2020 never came to pass, ProWein 2021 has been cancelled, there’ll be
                                           no fairs, expositions or competitions. The road ahead is paved with further
                                           bans and restrictions along with more coronavirus and all the damage
                                           that incurs.  The world has quite possibly changed more than we are
                                           willing to admit right now and with it we’re left with no choice but to
                                           rethink our business.
                                           I have spent the majority of my professional life working alongside wine,
                                           with winemakers, for wine and for winemakers.
                                           Initially I had the idea of making a sort of Covid handbook as a kind
                                           of sequel to my book on PR and marketing communications in the
                                           wine business which I dedicated to our winemakers six years back. The
                                           linear thought process which led me to this decision was surprisingly
                                           straightforward: if this country is failing at anything completely it’s in its
                                           approach to communicating with citizens.
                                           Sometimes a thing just needs to be labelled for it to be processed.
                                           I got in touch with dozens of professionals across the country, around
                                           Europe and overseas, both practitioners and academics and asked them
                                           to take a moment to think and contribute their experiences and visions to
                                           a joint project.
                                           7KH YDVW PDMRULW\ DJUHHG  $ IHZ WXUQHG WKHLU QRVHV XS DW WKH LGHD  RWKHUV
                                           shared interesting views and then there were the whole essays on the
                                           VXEMHFW  0\ RULJLQDO LGHD RI D VLQJOH WKHPHG KDQGERRN VWDUWHG WR PRUSK
                                           into a kaleidoscope of fascinating views, experiences, ideas and visions
                                           which I attempted to merge into a logical whole. The New Normal
                                             D VSHFLDO HGLWLRQ IRU ZLQHPDNHUV LV WKH UHVXOW RI WKHVH HIIRUWV   +RZ WR
                                           survive Covid from an economic perspective while holding onto your
                                           dignity and how can this coronacrisis be turned into an opportunity?
                                           Do you think it‘s time to switch it in English version?
                                           Let us know!

                                           :HOFRPH WR WKH 1(: 1250$/

                                                                             Iva Bárta Kováříková
                                                                               Your publisher

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